To all the fine people at Wholeaf Aloe Distributors, I would like to tell you what a difference your Aloe Vera Concentrate Juice has made for me. After many years of suffering with an Auto Immune condition that causes many symptons including horrible gastric pains and distress, I came across your product. Drinking 2-3 ounces per day for three short weeks made a tremendous improvement in the pain and distension. Every time I run out of Wholeaf Aloe Juice Concentrate, within one week the burning pain returns and shortly after resuming your aloe, it is again under control. I have given it to many people that I know that have complained of Crohn's disease and other things. I swear by the results that your Aloe Concentrate achieves. I've mentioned it to my doctors so that they can forward this good news to their patients. I'm sure it has also helped my immune system also. I've been drinking this daily for three years and have noticed my resistance to infections seems so much greater as well. Thank you for Wholeaf Aloe Concentrate and thank you for keeping the quality of your product superior.
Susan M. New Jersy
To All at Wholeaf Aloe Distributors,
I am a toolmaker, disabled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Befor drinking your aloe juice, my skin color was gray, my feet and ankles swelled every time I went for short walks and my hands, feet and face felt "Tingly" partially numb. Since taking your 5X Aloe Juice, once in the morning and once in the evening mixed in fruit juice, my color is good, my feet and ankles don't swell at all, and the feeling has returned to my extremities. Not only that, I feel twenty years younger after drinking your aloe juice for six months!
Thank you for producing a great product at a reasonable price. Your Aloe Juice has been the most effective single treatment in my battle for good health. Sincerely,
Carlton W.
Dear Russ and everyone at Wholeaf Aloe Distr.
I have been a strong believer in Wholeaf Aloe Concentrate Juice for many years now. Four years ago my 2 cats, Marge and Homer, were diagnosed with Feline Leukemia. Of course we were all very upset. My neighbors were responsible for introducing me to Wholeaf Aloe Distributors products. Lynn told me, just add the Aloe Juice Concentrate to my cats water and they would be fine. There was no hesitation at all, I would try anything to help them. About 6 months or so passed and I had Marge and Homer at the vet, and asked the doctor to re-test them. The test came back NEGATIVE!!! The Doctor wanted to make sure and reran the test. I explained the story of the Aloe Juice and he confirmed that there have been reports such as this. We questioned whether the original test could have been wrong, but the reply was "Not with both cats". Ever since, my entire family has been using these products. We feel great and recommend this to everyone!. Thanks for the great service too. Sincerely,
Stefanie L. Florida.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the makers of Wholeaf Aloe Juice Concentrate for their fine product. I was at church and after service, I was talking to a friend Dorothy about the stiffness and soreness in my neck, knees, ankles and back. I began going to the Chiropractor, taking 1000 mg of arthritis medicine daily and still was suffering with my neck and knees. I had cartilage removed about 9 years ago. Dorothy told me about Wholeaf Aloe Vera Juice and ordred me 2 quarts. After receiving and taking the Aloe Juice for 2 to 3 days, the soreness and stiffness left and I've quit going to the Chiropractor. I have had no pain pill since and this is now January 19, 1997. Again, I thank Dorothy for telling me about Wholeaf Aloe Vera Juice Concentrate and thanks Wholeaf Aloe Distributors for a wonderful product. I now take my aloe daily, every morning.
David S. Madisonville, KY
Dear Aloe Distr.,
I am writing to inform you the Whole Leaf Aloe Juice has saved my life. In the recent past I had eaten a lot of fast food salads with breaded chicken. Besides the problem with the cholesterol, the deep fat fryer had preservatives in it which affected my body like a poison. I experienced an inflamed esophagus, swollen prostate, blood in the urine, and acid reflux and fluid coming back up the windpipe. I started taking the aloe juice and in a matter of weeks the throat healed and I have no more symptoms. I went to a urologist and was prescribed radio active isotope ex-rays, cat scan and a scope of the urinary system. I was told I could have cancer of the bladder and or kidney stones. All of these systems have disappeared since I am taking your juice. It saved my life. Very truly yours,
A.W. Florida
Dear Wholeaf Aloe Distributors, Dec. 1, 2013
I am writing to you to say "thank you" for making a quality Aloe Vera Concentrate drink that has helped me feel better and has tremendously improved my quality of life.
In July 2013 I started to have gastrointestinal issues and was in continuous discomfort. I changed my diet and ate Gluten Free foods yet the discomfort continued. I went to two different doctors and was ultimately referred to a 3rd, a General and Laparoscopic Surgeon at North Shore University Healthcare Medical Group with the diagnosis of an abdominal hernia.
A week prior to the appointment with the Surgeons I started taking a nightly glass of your Aloe Vera Concentrate at the recommendation of my wife who is always trying natural healthcare remedies. At my appointment I was explaining to the surgeon I had no abdominal discomfort, my bloating was gone. The surgeon and myself determined you Aloe Vera Concentrate addressed my abdominal discomfort and a surgery is not in my future.
I have a great appreciation for your quality product and have made drinking your Aloe Vera juice a part of my daily routine, if I forget to have some before I go to sleep, I add Aloe Vera Concentrate to my orange juice in the morning.
Thank you for helping others by providing a quality product and for all you do.
Best Regards, Mr. M.M., Chicago, IL.